Speaking Gallery.
“Arguably the most important promise is the promise of who we are - for ourselves and for our customers. Your way of being is more important than your sales methodology or process.”

Andrew Sykes inspires and guides leaders and sales professionals to become magnetic trusted advisors.
Andrew is the founder and CEO of Habits at Work, an experiential sales habit activation company on a mission to make sales the most trustworthy profession on the planet by empowering sellers to practice and embody the mindsets, skills, and habits that build and maintain customer trust.
Andrew is a Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management and part of the Kellogg Sales Institute Executive Education Team where he teaches the award-winning course “Entrepreneurial Selling,” ranked by Inc. Magazine as one of the “Top Ten” courses in the United States.
Andrew has been a salesperson, entrepreneur, speaker, and behavior change expert for 30 years, having begun his career by building one of South Africa’s largest healthcare consulting companies. As a world-renowned expert on habits, Andrew co-authored The 11th Habit, distilling the work of the organization he founded – the Behavioral Research and Applied Technology Laboratory (BRATLAB) – which seeks to understand which habits really matter for sustained high performance, competitive differentiation, trust building, and organizational growth, and how to help people to practice those habits.